Evil Eyes have occurred throughout history. Evil eyes were present as early as the Paleolithic era. We find this figure in Muslin, Jewish, and Christian cultures as well as Buddhist and Hindu society.
The evil eye Greek Mattiasma, Mal de ojo Nazar Mauvais is a curse that is believed to be imposed by a malicious glare, usually against an unwitting person.
What some refer to today as the “stink eye”. Many cultures believe that receiving evil eyes can cause misfortune, bad luck or injury. Mal de ojo jewels and talismans were created to prevent evil eyes and are also called "evil eyes"
The evil eye is one of the strongest symbolic images in the world. Only the Christian Cross is more popular around the world. However, despite the evil eye differences in various cultures, the evil eye keeps roughly the same meaning no matter where the stories are shared.
Evil eyes are thought to be expressions of harm, pain, or some form of misfortune to those who are starred upon and given the evil eye. This is a seemingly clear indication that people are interested in doing something bad for an object that is focused, whether it is out of embarrassment or purely malicious. The superstition of the evil eye believes that a malicious appearance is strong enough to bring about an actual disaster for the glare-hungry misfortunate one.
A look at history suggests that the belief in the evil eye dates back to ancient Greece and Rome. It is believed that the evil eye is the greatest threat to any person who is overly praised or receives more recognition or good fortune than they deserve.
The person to be praised is proud to be so proud that he or she will bring bad luck through an evil eye that is thought to cause mental and physical illnesses. Any disease that does not have an immediate apparent cause is considered to be caused by the evil eye. It is believed that the gods and goddesses are punishing those who are proud of their achievements and destroy them with an evil eye, restoring them to the level of common people.
It important in most religions to give credit where credit is due. “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me” Philippians 4:13.
As people progress and move forward in life the more jealous those around them become. The evil eye is expected to come more and more the way of a successful person.
There is a belief in the evil eye on every continent. The Middle East, Asia, Europe and Central America all fear this evil eye. In Book 26 of the Shahi Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad warned of the danger of the evil eye and said that in order to offset the influence of evil forces, a bath must be taken.
Just like classical Greece and ancient Rome, Islamic culture believes that excessive praise will bring about the evil influence of evil eyes. Therefore, rather than praising a lovely child, it should be said that "God has been willing to" the child's good fortune, or risk danger to young people. Ashkenazi Jews also believe that excessive praise will lead to weakness in the eyes of evil, and will repeat the phrase “Keyn aynhoreh!” in Yiddish meaning “no evil eyes” to prevent it.
Evil eyes are well-known in most languages: in English, evil eye, evil appearances - Mauvais Oeil in France - Böse Blick in Germany - in Arabic, ayin hasad - in Armenian pasternak - Yiddish aynore or from Hebrew ayin hara - Hungarian szemmelverés (eye beating) - Polish oko proroka (prophetic eyes) - Swedish ondaögat - Sicilian jettatura (foundry). Brazilian Portuguese have olho gordo (fat eyes) or quebranto (smasher) - mal de ojo in Spanish (of the eyes or ojo turco - ojito turco) - in Irish droch-shuil - greek matiasma or mati sb someone It is a man who has an evil eye in his curse.
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You may see this famous evil eye symbol many times and not really known what it was. Perhaps you wear a popular, trending, evil eye bracelet or necklace, & wear it as a talisman for protection.
You may have witnessed a person giving the appearance of an "evil eye" (you may even have given it yourself). However, do you know the profound and meaningful history of evil eye symbols, and do you know how popular and common evil eyes are in different cultures for protection?
No matter the religious background or the religion sourcing the Evil Eye, the karmic essence always remains the same and should be shared. The rich meaning of evil eye is what drives people to this sacred symbol. The evil eye symbol mainly promises to keep you safe and sound, which is a very important thing when it comes to reaching the goals you have in life.
There is no such thing more mystical than evil eye protection, as its rich “experience” in keeping people across the world feeling secure and protected during this uncertain times.
Most recently Hollywood star Megan Markle was spotted wearing an Evil Eye necklace and stated "it is to ward off negative energy." But she isn't the only mega star that believes in the importance of wearing the evil eye. Gigi Hadid and her boyfriend Zayne Malik were spotted wearing his and hers matching Evil Eye bracelets, as featured In Style Magazine from evil eve collective. They value the design, protection, and personalized energies evil eye provides.
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It is believed there are three evil eyes: The first is the unconscious evil eye. These hurt people and things but are not intentional and usually are reactive from some type of jealousy. The second intention is injury. The third is the invisible, most feared evil. It is believed that this eye saw all the evil in the world and eliminated poverty and ignorance.
When Holus opened his eyes, the world became enlightened. When he closed, it became dark. From Egypt, eye amulets have spread to the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Europe.
When anyone looks at good things with envy, he fills the surrounding atmosphere with a destructive quality and sends his breath of exhale to any place nearest him. Beads reflect malicious back to the bystanders. It is somewhat similar to the eyes, and it is said that the typical blue color is a factor to protect users.
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Glass beads in the Aegean Islands and Asia Minor are directly dependent on improvements in glass production. As for blue, it is the first glaze mud from Egypt that contains a high proportion of oxides; copper and cobalt are blue when baked. Blue eyes can also be found on some forms of hamsa hand
Evil Eye bracelet and necklace combinations, which is a reversal hand amulet that reverses evil eyes in the Middle East. The word hamsa also spells khamsa and hamesh, meaning 5 fingers. In Jewish culture, this hamsa is called the Hand of Miriam; in Muslim culture, the hand of Fatima. The Fatima Amulet is called Kamsa in the Muslim world. It begins with the Arabic word and is considered to be the protection of the evil eye.
The blue evil eye has experienced extensive circulation in the region and is used by Phoenicians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans and perhaps the most famous Ottoman Empire. Although their use is most concentrated in the Mediterranean and Levant, through the expansion of trade and empire, Blue Eyes began to move to all corners of the globe. Today evil eye jewelry is a fashion statement and worn by all nationalities, all over the world.
The evil eye symbol is almost always implemented as an evil eye charm, as its symbolism has always been materialized in various charms that are worn around the wrist or on the neck (when it comes to jewelry). The essence of all things that matter in life is captured in the evil eye meaning. Before success comes to the stage, protection and security come first. The true color of life is realized only when our mind and soul become fearless, and that happens only if we are properly secured and share our luck and protection with others.
The right way to access the powers and possibilities of the Evil Eye is to firmly believe and buy into its strength and let its protection guide you on your life journey. Create genuine art by combining your Evil Eye bracelets and necklaces with a crystal such as Hematite, Tiger Eye, Citrine, Red String Protection, etc... Or, you could combine it with a charm such as Hamsa Hand, which has a similar meaning like the Evil Eye. When the Hamsa and Evil Eye get combined, no curse, negative thought or bad intention will hinder you from achieving your goals and attaining certain values. If you want to guaranteed your success combine the Christian cross and the evil eye.
The beautiful thing about evil eye bracelets is that they come with so many beautiful and powerful beads, of which each one can amplify your intention. Karma and Luck has taken spirituality and blended it with fashionable bracelets for every taste.

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If you are a fan of sterling silver or gold lover, we’ve created it. Every bead is designed by hand and every inch accounted for and now you have called in your intention and purpose when you buy the bracelet that resonates with your souls purpose.
One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself or someone you love is the gift of belief and protection.
This evil eye bracelet is gorgeous on your wrist
In addition to the use of evil eye amulets, take into account that the Greeks also carry incense or a cross as protection against evil eyes. The new mother will save the items under the pillow or head, including red, black or white lines, nails, gunpowder, bread, salt, garlic, rings, indigo blue or a pair of silver buttons.
Each of these objects has its significance, making it creating protection against evil eyes. For example, gunpowder symbolizes the ability to counter evil eyes. Nails symbolize strength. Indigo is very important for its blue tinting strength. Salt is a symbol of preservation and power.
In terms of jewelry, the Evil Eye can be worn as a bracelet or a necklace. In fact, this mighty symbol is always implemented as an evil eye charm, as its powers get fully dispersed when the symbol gets materialized.
A part of most cultures in the world, the Evil Eye was always believed to have a realigning effect on negative notions. The numerous designs of this ancient symbol are always paired nicely with most crystals, giving each Evil Eye seeker an array of choice.
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However, if these precautions fail, the Greeks have more ways to deal with evil eyes. In some villages, the fur of a bear is burned to cure the curse. Among others, Gypsies massage their foreheads to eliminate the adverse effects of evil eyes.
In many countries, including Assyria, Greece & Armenia, it is thought that the swearing-in the rear is solving the curse of the evil eye. In Europe, some Christian traditions use both hands to create a sign of the cross while pointing the index finger and the little finger to the source of the evil eye. In Bangladesh, a black spot was painted on the child's forehead to resist evil eye curses. The young beautiful woman hides a secret point behind her ear to prevent evil eyes and protect herself.
The Evil Eye protection is almost a sacred thing, as it was never fully understood or described by the members of art movements, religions etc... Since the beginning of known civilization, the Evil Eye bestows the person wearing this ancient charm with ultimate protection and care, similar to the loveliest feelings we get from our closest friends.
“What is the Evil Eye?“ – a person might ask. A frequent answer is that it is mostly correlated with the benefits of the Hamsa, an equally powerful charm that has the same core benefits like the Evil Eye.
The Evil Eye protection consists of an eponymous shield that protects you from the so called evil eyes. The evil eyes can represent many things – mostly negative thoughts created by those who envy you or simply are bad people who do not deserve to be in your presence. When contemplating which direction to go when buying evil eye protective jewelry, keep this combination in mind.
Phrases and rituals are not the only way to prevent evil forces. The most popular method of escaping the devil eyeball effect in many cultures is to use evil eye talisman, evil eye symbol or the evil eye ornament. These are designed to "reflect" the power of evil appearances.
The evil eye amulet originated in Greece, where it was called the "apotropaic" amulet, which meant it reflected damage. The most basic design of the evil eye popular in the Middle East is the amulet, designed with concentric blue and white circles to symbolize evil eyes, known as nazar. It is usually used for home decor, vehicles trinkets and jewelry.
The Eye of Evil: One of the most powerful examples of evil eye amulets in the Middle East and Africa is Hamsa, also known as the "Hand of Fatima." Hamsa is a hand symbol with evil eyes on the palm of your hand. Hamsa can be used for wallpaper or jewelry to prevent evil eyes. Hamsa was also found in Jewish culture, where it was called "the hand of God" or "the hand of Miriam." The popularity of Kabbalah has reactivated and taken into account the Hamsa and how it has affected its presence in jewelry and all types of popular clothing and home décor items.
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- Regardless of style, evil eye bracelets and necklaces, the basic design uses one eye set on a blue background.
- Jewels and stones often decorate this eye to show the power of the gazer. Each culture adds its colors based on local legends and beliefs with perfect detail.
- Red is fortunate in some Jewish cultures, while blue is sacred in the Middle East because it is connected to precious water.
- The use of evil eye jewelry for men is often used only for necklace styles. When a person casts an evil eye, the pendant quickly reflects it and that is something that would benefit you greatly.
- However, this ancient concern has entered other jewelry designs. Find true evil eyes on rings, anklets, bracelets. There may be many different styles on the bracelet, especially if you are a collector and enjoy jewelry.
- Diamond Evil Eye Jewels are particularly valuable gemstones that reflect light in facets, usually visible in bright conditions.
Evil eyes still have a powerful influence on modern life, popular culture, and even jewelry and design. Who isn't familiar with the word "evil eyes," or thinks that people who project it at least once or twice in their way and model their beliefs around the energy?
In Turkey, evil eyes are deeply rooted in everyday life and have deep symbolic meaning in the entire culture. The Evil Eye sticks to anything that is thought to attract greed, jealousy, or malice. In Turkey, you will find money, home and office symbols of the evil eye hanging on the neck of newborns and farm animals, as well as buildings. If you live in Turkey or have ever travelled there you know exactly what I am talking about.
The Turks believe in evil eye protection. It is almost like going on a trip in the USA to the state of Kentucky where every person is wearing a University of Kentucky basketball shirt, and every automobile has a UK Sticker of License plate.
The Eye of Evil is a very popular piece of jewelry design at the moment. In recent years, many celebrities, including Madonna, Britney Spears, Olsen twins, Mick Jagger and Nicole Richie (to name a few) have been photographed wearing red Kabbalah bracelets.
Think of it as another way to prevent evil and take that weight off their shoulders. This evil amulet has been worn in public by celebrities such as Cameron Diaz, Kelly Ripara, Brad Pitt, Kim Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan, Lauren Conrad and Lianna. This iconic and stylish image is just becoming more and more popular during these crazy chaotic times.
The myth of the evil eye seems to have great significance in our current world and adds a lot of value. Too much fame, fortune, success or admiration may lead people to fail, especially in this celebrity driven culture, which may reinforce the notion of evil.
The above-mentioned Ms. Lohan, and more recently Charlie Sheen and many other household name celebs are examples of how the power of success has become a disaster. Does it mean that if Lindsay wears evil eyes early, will she become better? Millions of believers may tell you this way.
In any case, those who are gaining a lot of attention, such as celebrities, or those who are successful or have reason to be proud, should bring them to protect an evil eye talisman or an evil eye amulet - for the sake of safety! What does the Joe Walsh song say? It is tought to handle this fortune and fame, everybody’s so different, I haven’t changed. The truth is people treat you different the more popular and successful you are, and many have trouble handling this reality.
Once you notice the Evil Eye benefits, the forces of evil will not be able to stop you in the pursuit of happiness. The symptoms related to the effect of the evil eyes will soon become unknown, as the forces of the evil will become futile, no matter their effort.
What’s more, your thoughts though will become clear, as the negative auras of the evil will become meaningless. Evil Eye protection is one of a kind in this often tough and total world. A helping hand and wind at your back is something always helpful!
Nazar Boncuk's charm (or evil eyeball) is an "eye" that is usually set on a blue background. It stares at this world to avoid evil eyes and protects you from harm. Since then, people have attached this wicked eye to all evil eyes they wish to protect. From newborn babies to their horses, even to their homes. What does color mean? In Turkey or Greece and the surrounding countries, the most popular magic eye charm is blue. Turkey is in an arid region of the world, where water is precious - with the prosperity and growth of the water, without it, things will wither and die. The blue color reminds people of fresh, cool water. In the Jewish faith, red is often associated with luck and luck, so red is also a popular color.
See our collection of Evil Eyed Keychains here
You can find a chart with all the evil eye color beads and their meaning here.